Get Involved with DNEP +ISLB

Undergraduate and graduate students apply their skills to help Detroit’s small businesses (re)grow in the COVID economy through DNEP +Impact Studio for Local Business (DNEP +ISLB) internships. The +ISLB is a collaboration between U-M’s Center on Finance, Law & Policy, the +Impact Studio at the Ross School of Business, and the following U-M schools: Ford School of Public Policy, Ross School of Business, Stamps School of Art & Design, School of Information, and the College of Engineering. Teams of U-M interns focus on implementation in five key areas:


"Anyone who is considering a career in consulting, or is interested in solving some of the most pressing issues of small businesses should seriously consider this internship."

Reid Diamond, Ford School of Public Policy, 2022

DNEP +ISLB Interns

Students build a set of consulting skills and gain experience in developing solutions, business analysis, working with clients, communication, and teamwork. Interdisciplinary teams of interns work 1:1 with a portfolio of Detroit-based small businesses. Each team specializes and builds expertise in one of five key areas or disciplines: Branding & identity, E-commerce, Managing a marketing campaign, Operations, Product expansion, and Point of Sale
Reach out to Christie Baer for more information on applying

Graduate +Impact Managers

+Impact Managers apprentice under Professor Chris Mueller in developing the client services and overseeing interdisciplinary undergraduate teams, who will be specializing in one of six key areas or disciplines: Branding & identity, E-commerce, Managing a marketing campaign, Operations, Product expansion, and Point of Sale
Reach out to Chris Mueller for more information on applying

Sponsor a DNEP +ISLB team

This program is made possible through a combination of the University of Michigan stakeholders and donors. The financial support we see enables us to expand both student and local business participation. For more information on sponsorship, please contact Christie Baer through the link provided
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